Kokan Ngo

Gully School
Let’s bring weak, deprived street children in mainstream education
Your support will terminate begging from children’s lives.

Don’t they have the right to get an education and live with dignity?

Is it a crime to be born on the streets and into a poor family? Although the issue of street children has a long history, it has not received the attention it deserves. Education is a dream for these children who don’t even know if they’ll survive tomorrow or what their future holds.

Education is a battle against poverty that everyone should fight’, but for the underprivileged children in India, education is perceived as a high-priced luxury. Since we believe that education can help children overcome poverty, we initiated Our Gully School to provide primary and secondary education to street and homeless children. They are majorly engaged in things like begging, waste picking, trolley pulling, selling intoxicants like cigarettes and tobacco etc. Some of them struggle for the survival of themselves as they are run away children. Reaching out to homeless children and raising awareness about the importance of education is our main objective. In order to encourage their regular attendance, we invited various motivational speakers to share their achievements and how education played an important part in their lives in order to succeed.
The children in Gully school are mostly those who have never attended school before, so we make sure to teach them in a playful manner to make them eager to attend school regularly. Our team makes sure that children are also enjoying learning new things by conducting various fun activities such as drawing, dancing, sports, and so on along with education.Apart from providing education we gave huge emphasis on  moral and character building of our children by promoting healthy habits. Our Gully School is truly a stepping stone for those who are far away from the mainstream of education.
Gully School

Impact of our Gully school in the lives of children

  • We eliminated begging from children's lives.

  • We developed a scientific approach, helping them not to fall for superstitious activities.

  • We ensured their active participation by conducting various fun activities.

  • We encouraged hygienic and healthy habits by maintaining a strict code of conduct in terms of cleanliness.

Our Vision

To reach the poorest and most marginalised children on the streets and provide them with education
required to thrive in their lives.

Gully School

Problem while working with street children.


Pune & Mumbai

Target Group

Street and slum children

Main Focus


Project Duration

Since 2019

  • Gully School-1
  • Gully School-2
  • Gully School-3
  • Gully School-4
  • Gully School-5
  • Gully School-6